Florence Montmare’s “Illuinations” Exhibition

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Illuminating the Slow Death of Love
Florence Montmare

We hurry you to visit Montmare’s exhibition at The Roger Smith Hotel in New York. It’s the last 18 days you’ll have to go there and marvel in the presence of such an experience.

Illuminations is a multidisciplinary experience that engages the audience through photographs, text, and site-specific installation using open narratives that allow the viewers to have their own interpretations. Illuminations is the culmination of over ten years of work, experimentation, and process on the part of the artist and her collaborators.

Explaining the project, Ms. Montmare says, “Illuminations started in 2002 when a relationship I had at the time was slowly falling apart. To try and save what we had, we rented a large stylish apartment in Stockholm, hoping that a change of scenery would have a positive effect. Instead, the large space amplified the emotional distance between us, and made the inevitable break even more obvious. As a way of documenting our last days together, and also forcing me to stay in the bed and fight my severe insomnia, I started making one photograph every night. The camera shutter was left open for 3 to 8 hours in a darkened bedroom, and as the morning light arrived the exposure was interrupted. It is a private journal, documenting time and memory, where present meets past.”

By looking deeply into, and exposing, her personal experiences Ms. Montmare hopes people areable to connect to something deeper within themselves.

Read more about the project HERE.

The Roger Smith is a family run hotel in Midtown Manhattan. For over 20 years the owners and employees have been committed to shaping and growing a diverse and organic cultural footprint both within the hotel and beyond. With a continued desire to converse and engage with guests, with New York and places further afield, The Roger Smith Hotel’s creative program seeks to create big opportunities, pleasurable experiences, inspiring happenings and intelligent dialogues.